[Toucan Tuesday] How to become someone's favorite author

Finally Write Your Novel

Hi Reader!

Last week I shared a quote I saw in a graphic (here it is again to remind you), "Someday, you’re going to be someone’s favorite author."

There is one key way to become someone’s favorite fiction author and that is to have a book out in the world for them to read.

The first step? Having a story idea you are confident in and that you connect with deeply, so you are excited to not only write it, but finish it.

I believe in you.

I believe in your dream to write the book you’ve always wanted to write.

I believe in your ability to tell the story living inside your soul (possibly festering until it’ll infect every cell of your being!... I write horror, okay? It gets weird…).

I believe you can tell a story that will touch someone, or change their life, or stick with them in some way, shape, or form.

Remember the Novel-Worthy Idea workbook I gave you back in April? So many people took advantage of the free version! It was so awesome and exciting!

Did you fill it out? Did it help you? Did you lose momentum at some point? Did you forget you even have it!?

The decision has been made! (#passivevoiceanyone?)

The Novel-Worthy Idea Live Challenge is coming! Save the date friend!

Registration opens next week.

The challenge dates are July 9-12 with a Q&A on the 15th!

This challenge will help you:

  • Unleash your inner storyteller and give you the confidence you need to start writing your book right away and finish strong.
  • Gain confidence in your story idea, clarity on what it is you’re trying to say, and excitement to get started writing!
  • Give you a deep connection to your story, so you can’t NOT write it (#doublenegativeanyone?)

It’s like a boot camp for your imagination where we take your story spark and transform it into a novel-worthy idea that's ready to hit the pages.

Let's make your novel-writing dreams a reality, together!

As a special thank you, when registration for the challenge goes live next week on June 18th, you’ll get it at the extra special introductory price.

I can’t wait to tell you more about it!

Hit reply with a “here here” to let me know you’re ready to write the novel you’ve always dreamed of writing!

Keep writing!


P.S. Get excited! The Novel-Worthy Idea Challenge is coming! Mark your calendar for June 18th when registration opens!

What's going on in Toucan Land?

Public Accountability Event

We're well into the 30-Day challenge! It's never too late to join!

Check my stats

Join the fun


The Novel-Worthy Idea Live Challenge!

Save the date: July 9th-15th

June Story Prompt

New feature! I'll post a prompt each month to help inspire you to write!

Stranger's diary

Open coaching spots

Accountability and Mindset Mentoring - 1 spot

Manuscript evaluation - 1 spot

Apply or learn more here

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New here? Forget who I am?

👋 Hi! I'm Claire L. Fishback!

Author coach and story strategist, project manager, award-winning horror author, amazing wife, dog mom, and your future book coach! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they gain clarity, confidence, inspiration, and motivation, to reach The End!

Learn More

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9878 W. Belleview Ave., Suite 2322, Denver, Colorado 80123

Write and finish your damn (good) book!

Hi! I'm Claire! An enthusiastic and imaginative author coach who uses way too many exclamation points, talks too much about my beloved pittie mix, Kira, and is fueled by inspiring and motivating fellow writers! I believe there is no right or wrong way to write a book. I specialize in coaching writers of most genres to make connections with their stories that keep them inspired and motivated to reach The End on their unforgettable and unputdownable novel. Sign up to find out if you're a zombie writer or a butterfly writer!

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